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September 29, 2019

Spreading Paul Around

Kathie and I recently returned from a trip out West.  On this trip we decided to use the Madison River to spread a little of Paul's carbon around the universe.  The name and location seemed right.  It is located near…
August 24, 2019

Paul lives on

I get worried that we are posting and writing so much about Paul and Paulpalooza that people are getting a little tired of it.  Everyone loses someone that they love eventually, it doesn’t just happen to our family.  Social media…
August 17, 2019

Ghost Rider

Today was the anniversary of “losing” Paul and I knew I needed to keep busy.  We have several anniversaries this week.  The anniversary of “Terrible Tuesday”, which is the day Paul checked into the hospital for the last time.  Today…
August 19, 2018


Paul's death is a defining moment in the lives of Paige, Kathie and I. We hope that Paul's disability and death aren't what define him for everyone. Besides fundraising, for me today is about helping people remember how Paul made…
November 2, 2017

Paul the Kid

Paul was not Spina Bifida.  He was born with SB, but he identified himself as much more than just that.  He related to being an athlete, a student, a friend, a brother.  I don’t miss the SB.  I have visited…
October 19, 2017

Paul and the Neighbors

We lived in great neighborhood in Belleville. We moved there in 2000, and Paul was born in 2001. Right away the neighbors all pitched in and Paulie instantly had a bunch of parents and friends. Many of the kids, now…