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September 29, 2019

Spreading Paul Around

Kathie and I recently returned from a trip out West.  On this trip we decided to use the Madison River to spread a little of Paul's carbon around the universe.  The name and location seemed right.  It is located near…
August 24, 2019

Paul lives on

I get worried that we are posting and writing so much about Paul and Paulpalooza that people are getting a little tired of it.  Everyone loses someone that they love eventually, it doesn’t just happen to our family.  Social media…
August 17, 2019

Ghost Rider

Today was the anniversary of “losing” Paul and I knew I needed to keep busy.  We have several anniversaries this week.  The anniversary of “Terrible Tuesday”, which is the day Paul checked into the hospital for the last time.  Today…
December 22, 2017

Christmas Letter 2001

Well, I can tell you that I had a really funny Christmas letter planned for this year, but I am saving it for next year because of the birth of our son, Paul Arthur on December 18. He was two…
November 26, 2017

Paul and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was always a special holiday for us and Paul especially enjoyed it. Kathie’s family has great food traditions and recipes are handed down, perfected and duplicated with each year.  We started hosting many years ago – I think both…
November 11, 2017

Goodnight Paul

There came a time most every day where Paul had just had enough.  He pushed himself hard and talking and getting around simply took more effort than it did for anyone else.  He seldom had to be convinced to go…
November 2, 2017

Paul the Kid

Paul was not Spina Bifida.  He was born with SB, but he identified himself as much more than just that.  He related to being an athlete, a student, a friend, a brother.  I don’t miss the SB.  I have visited…
October 31, 2017

Paul and swimming

Paul took to the water right away.  This fact was not an assumption we made as parents – Paige never really did learn to swim very well and was not overly fond of swim lessons.  Paul loved it and he…
October 28, 2017

Paul and Track

Seventh grade was probably Paul’s best year in a lot of ways. After a few tough years filled with surgeries and some setbacks, Paul suddenly thrived for a year. As human nature has it, we quickly adjusted to the new…